TIL that somebody once tried to make a flying Ford Pinto and that the inventor died when it crashed during a test flight due to one of the wing struts failing.[0]
Language at the End of the World, an article about Rongorongo and the Rapa Nui.
Another neotenic salamander species is the Olm[0], which is an old world species that is blind and lives in caves.
Also according to Wikipedia, the name for Bonobos (formally known as Pygmy Chimpanzees despite being a seperate species) comes from a mispelling. [0]
[0] "The name is thought to be a misspelling on a shipping crate from the town of Bolobo on the Congo River near the location from which the first bonobo specimens were collected in the 1920s." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonobo
TIL that axolotl are neotenic.[0] There are rare instancea of axolotl going through metamorphosis to become terrestrial. However, if this occurs after sexual maturity the axolotl will not survive more than one or two years.[1]
[0] "axolotl ... is a neotenic salamander related to the tiger salamander." Wikipedia
[1] http://www.axolotl.org/tiger_salamander.htm
Examples of documents written in Hieratic script:
An article describing the distinction between Hieroglyphic, Cursive Hieroglyphic, and Hieratic Text:
In fact Hieratics were actually much more commonly used than Hieroglyphics[0].
[0] http://www3.telus.net/public/sjfryer/Egypt/Hieratic/introduction.html
TIL I learned that Hieroglyphs had multiple cursive forms used outside of inscriptions.
New version of GNU Unifont with the Reiwa (令和) Japanese Era Character has been released.
This guy's renting a parking space for 300/mo smh
Bay area rents are so high that this guy is renting his van out:
Mario Chiattone. Construction for a Modern Metropolis, 1914 https://danismm.tumblr.com/post/184679463214/mario-chiattone-construction-for-a-modern1960