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an anthology of outage postmortems, taxonomized: dan luu's explanatory blog post: "I love reading postmortems. They're educational... they tell an entertaining story."

(someone should make a plain text corpus from these links and use it to generate novels)


I'm starving. I'm really starting to panic.

— Nil Istamber, bookkeeper

#1yrago Dynamicland: a collaborative programming environment inside a whole building that you modify by doodling on paper

( • . •)
/ >📦 npm i

( • - •)
/>📦 oh noooo

I got into an argument with Ari Maroonbuttered. That makes me angry.

— Ino Resmiquazo, Human Bard

@SmoothUnicode @asciiglitch

Seriously though, none of the characters in asciiglitch are actually ascii.

The copyleft symbol 🄯(U+1f12f) was just added to Unicode in June[0]. The latest version of GNU Unifont now has it[1].



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