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@landofcontrasts I seriously can't tell if this is bad on purpose or not.


Wait so the guy from Star Trek was on the fediverse and we ram him off? This is why everyone needs to run their own instances people.

You know natural languages are a lot like programming languages, you can talking about syntax, design principles, existing codebases all you want but in the end language popularity is mostly determined by library availability.

Cursive English looks like a poor man's Arabic.

RT @eff: Californians: The vote on #NetNeutrality is coming up soon.

Make sure your assemblymember knows you support a free and open Inte…

@rms The Stallman boy is posting things from exactly 1 year ago, and the maintainers seem not to exist.

My dreams are getting way too intricate. This last one not only had a plot that it followed through but a Chekhov's gun too.

啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,加州野火期间,消防部门的“无限数据套餐”超过了使用上限,被 Verizon 限速到 30 Kbps 了!可见 AT&T, Comcast, Verizon 堪称美国电信、美国联通、美国移动。

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