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Mastodon 刚刚新版修复的那个问题 ( ) 就是我一直很担心的,现在逐渐流行在自己的应用里面直接调用某个第三方提供的服务或者内容,但多年发故障的经验告诉我,任何自己无法掌控的依赖都必须要有降级机制,否则过多地引入外部资源只会增加自己的稳定性风险

I got into an argument with Seba Bodygarnished. That was satisfying.

— Accok Gotodolak, Human Bard

@PeterCxy Yeah but now you get to sell a service instead of a product. 💰

So next year there's a nonzero chance that someone will have to tell people "my wife died in Hurricane Humberto", or "my son died in Hurricane Rebekah, that's Rebekah with a k and an h at the end"

103: Early Hints
206: Partial Content
409: Conflict
412: Precondition Failed
417: Expectation Failed
418: I'm a teapot
420: Enhance Your Calm
421: Misdirected Request
424: Failed Dependency
451: Unavailable For Legal Reasons
530: Site is frozen

A 1950s film noir in HTTP status codes

🎁 Hello Everyone! 🎁

We'll be doing Mastodon Secret Sneepsnop yet again this year!

The Secret Sneepsnop is like Secret Santa except it's a Sneepsnop! It's an entirely digital gift exchange for the winter season~

More details to follow, Stay tuned!

⚠️ Please note: This year the Sneepsnop (and therefore this account) is being run by @SuricrasiaOnline!

Dude they're gonna show some nasty stuff! x3

Just finished the schematic and BoM for my GPS watch. killmepls

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